
Interactive Mountain Panoramas

Interactive Mountain Panoramas 

In conjunction with Thomas Worbs of Mountain Panoramas we have been developing some very exciting, interactive 360 panoramas from various sites around The Khumbu region. These are very high definition and when viewed on a laptop you can scroll around, turn on labels and zoom in. Alternatively they are interactive when viewed on a smartphone.

Just click on any of the photos below and a new browser will open. Enjoy the show and prepare to be impressed.

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This is the site of Camp 3 on Ama Dablam. I was heading for the summit but the cloud was coming in and I realised that I could either summit and not get the view or I could drop back down to the site of Camp 3 and get a fantastic vista. It was a tricky one to take and a tricky one to stitch – but what a result. You can see climbers heading for the summit, the amazing layers in ‘The Dablam’ and a panorama that is pretty breathtaking. Enjoy.

South Col pano

The South Col on Everest … our highest panorama to date. I had been at The South Col only a few days before but the weather had changed and we decided not to try for the summit. We dropped all the way back down to Everest Base Camp, had a day off and then set off back up the mountain and arrived back here 4 days later! That’s quite some round trip. The weather was great and the clarity and colours were amazing so I set off away from the busy camp area to get in to a good position for the shoot. It was a little tricky because of the ever changing light conditions with the clouds scudding by but the result is amazing. Again, Thomas worked his magic because a lot of the ground shots needed recalibrating because of the varying temperature due to the clouds but you wouldn’t know it. And can you see the bird? That’s right – there’s a bird flying by.


Everest Base Camp after some fresh snowfall and before everyone had got out of bed. Indeed, as I was setting up, the sun started rising over the shoulder and I had to work quickly to make sure that all the photos were taken under fairly similar light conditions. This was slightly complicated by the fact that it was also quite cold and I can’t operate a lot of the buttons on the camera with big gloves. The whole shoot took around 25 minutes and Thomas did a great job – apparently the shadows had all changed by the time I had done the first rotation of 45 shots. In all there are at least 315 to create a 180° x 360° panorama and you can scroll from the sky to the floor and all the way around.


Everest and Nuptse from the famous viewpoint of Kala Pattar – as you have never seen it before. I had reached the main summit of Kala Pattar (slightly higher and up to the left – there are lot of prayer flags there) and tried to set up there but the view just wasn’t as rich. Partly this was because of the prayer flags and partly the angles just weren’t quite as good. So I dropped down to the original Kala Pattar view point (this is where everyone used to stop until about a decade ago) and thankfully, because it has fallen out of favour as being a lower viewpoint, I had the place to myself.

This is a full 180° x 360° panorama and you can scroll from the sky to the floor and all the way around.


A 109° x 360° from The Kongma La. Like the Everest Base Camp panorama an early was required and I was blessed with clear skies, a big moon and some atmospheric clouds on Lhotse. This is my favourite camp site in The Khumbu and I have never had to share it with any other groups. A lot of folk do the pass as a day hike from Chukkung to Lobuche (best) or in the other direction which is a bit of a slog. We use this amazing camping area for a couple of nights as part of our acclimatisation schedule so that when we arrive at Everest Base Camp we have already slept higher & have also taken in an ascent of Pokalde – just over 5,800m.


A 110° x 360° The Renjo La – the most impressive Everest panorama in the area. Another panorama where I had to work quickly … but this time not because of the changing light but the fact that there were porters and trekkers arriving imminently. I don’t have an issue with having people in the photos but in this instance the area was going to get very cramped very quickly and when folk start wandering around you lose all control of the shoot.


The mountain vista from Gokyo Ri above the village of Gokyo. This is an amazing, but accessible, panoramic viewpoint and is a short hike above the village. As we made the trip there were quite changeable conditions and it was difficult to know whether the light would be right, the cloud cover would be acceptable or indeed if the mountains would actually be in view. But on arrival we were blessed with a really great vista and the results speak for themselves.

This is a full 180° x 360° panorama and you can scroll from the sky to the floor and all the way around.


This is the summit of Island Peak as you have never seen it before. We were a small team (myself, 3 clients and 2 Climbing Sherpas) and there were only 2 others on the mountain that day. To get the summit shots without having any climbers in I pushed ahead on the summit slopes. I was rewarded with perfect conditions (albeit a little bit breezy on the summit) and enough time to take the 450 photos that make up this vista.


Next up it’s Ama Dablam. Sadly in the 2014 season there was a lot of objective danger from the right side of The Dablam (a Climbing Sherpa died from another team and his 3 clients were injured when a huge block of ice fell on them whist they were on their summit bid). I was obviously hoping to get a panorama from the summit but it wasn’t to be. But that didn’t stop me spotting a great opportunity whilst travelling between Base Camp and Advance Base Camp. This was a shot from 5,000m on a ridge in amongst an amazing mountain vista and needless to say I am very happy with this on – the results speak for themselves. Click and enjoy.


What’s there not to like about Gokyo. Funnily enough for all the visits I have had to this wonderful village it was the first time that I took a jaunt around the lake. It is HIGHLY recommended and afforded some of the best views for not too much effort.


Lukla airstrip doesn’t need an introduction really.

Thame monastery

Thame is a few hours West of Namche and has an amazing monastery set in to the hillside above the village. It is definitely worth a visit and has a Shangri La feel to it. It may be remote but that just adds to the appeal. Some of the best puja blessings I have had have been here and it just has the feeling of being a very auspicious place to be.

Tashis prayer room

Talking of auspicious places here is Tashi’s prayer room. I saw it being painted in 1999 – it took 8 monks and nuns 42 days to complete and I saw it at the beginning, middle and end. Since then I have made a point of visiting every time I am in The Khumbu and every group that has been shown the room by Tashi has been in awe of what it is and what it represents. I’ve even slept in here a few times.

Phurbas kitchen

A panorama with a difference. This is Phurba’s kitchen in Marylung where I stay when trekking in for Everest. He’s an eight time Everest summiteer but you would ever know it and he and his family are always most welcoming. His wife didn’t quite get the concept of what I was trying to do but she eventually sat still enough for long enough.

So there you have it a variety of panoramas from in and around The Khumbu. There are more available on the mountain panoramas website at

Each panorama is not only painstakingly stitched by Thomas but they are painstakingly taken by myself. To that end we have decided on what is the best kit and equipment for the job.

The camera is a Sony a7R which is very easy to use, very light and very high definition. The drawback is that it doesn’t like the cold so I carry plenty (and I mean plenty) of spare batteries and endeavour to keep the camera and batteries warm (enough). For Everest this presents possibly our biggest challenge but we are looking at different strategies to cope with the ever changing conditions.

The make and model of tripod is a thorny issue – generally speaking the more stable they are the heavier they are and weight is definitely the enemy. The most recent acquisition which I have been using is the Amarula from Bushman Panoramics which gives a great height for not too much weight.

For the panoramic head we didn’t need to look any further than the Gobi – again from Bushman Panoramics. It is a really nicely engineered piece of equipment and does the job to perfection. You can use it with big gloves on and still have the dexterity required to alter the necessary settings. Nicely crafted and a good chunky feel to it – this is a piece of kit that will never let me down.

Next on the list is portable power. I have been using the GoalZero Yeti 150 which is charged using the Boulder 15 Solar panel. This is a piece of kit that is really really good … when the sun is out. Thankfully the sun shines a lot in Nepal so it is certainly not short of potential. It is a tad on the heavy side so I won’t be taking it up and down the hill with me but as a Base Camp power supply it is fantastic. The USB and 3 pin outputs are ideal for most situations and there is a ‘cigarette lighter’ output as well. All in all it copes with Base Camp life extremely well and I can keep all (and I have loads) of batteries, phones, laptops etc charged at all times.

Now all you need to do is get in touch about Everest, Ama Dablam, Island Peak or trekking in The Khumbu and experience it for yourself.

Winter Skills Courses

Winter Mountaineering Skills


Hors d’oeuvres

(any of various foods usually serves as appetizers – literally ‘a taster session’)

Literally a chance for you to just ‘have a go’. An introduction to the winter mountaineering environment for complete beginners.



Introductory winter mountaineering days out for beginners. Perhaps you need to learn everything from the start or maybe you’ve tried it already and you want to brush up on a few skills.

We’ll cover kicking steps, cutting steps with the ice axe, use of the crampons, ice axe arrest, recognition of different snow conditions and avalanche awareness.


Main Course

A chance for us to cover some more advanced techniques for travelling safely in the winter mountain environment.

We can start looking at how to safeguard each other with the rope on steeper terrain, how to construct safe snow belays, how to place ice screws and constructing abolokov (yes it is a real word) belays.

It’s also a good time to look at the intricacies of winter navigation.

Learn To Lead Climb

Rock climbing instruction and Guiding

With rock climbing instructor (& 6 times Everest summiteer) Tim Mosedale. Tim is only the 10th Brit to have summited Everest from both sides and also managed a double summit in 2013.

I’m a Keswick based rock climbing instructor running rock climbing courses and instruction mostly in Cumbria, The Lake District. I have climbed and instructed extensively all over the UK and can run rock climbing courses practically anywhere in the country. Although I can come to you, why not consider a visit to The Lake District where you can climb some of the country’s finest rock routes?
Come and sample some of the Lake District’s best rock climbs with the likes of Napes Needle, Tophet Wall, Corvus, Gillercombe Buttress, Little Chamonix, Ardus, Adam, Eve and Troutdale Pinnacle to name but a few.

Borrowdale Rock
Borrowdale offers some of the Lake District’s finest high quality rock climbing routes on a fantastic range of easily accessible crags – in other words classic rock climbs of all grades that are easy to get to (which means that we can spend time rock climbing rather than walking to the bottom of our route).

I run a whole range of rock climbing and instruction courses which are tailored to suit your rock climbing requirements. The fact that they are customised for you means that you get what you want – from introductory rock climbing sessions for complete novices through to multi-day rock improver courses.

Hors d’oeuvres
(any of various foods usually served as appetizers – literally ‘a taster session’).

A chance for you to just ‘have a go’ at rock climbing. An introduction to real rock climbing for complete beginners.

Introductory rock climbing sessions for beginners.
Maybe you’ve tried rock climbing already and want to not only get out climbing, but also learn a few handy tips and hints along the way.

A chance to develop into an extremely competent second.

Main Course
Tailor made rock climbing instruction courses to suit your taste.

Come and climb some of the more classic and historic rock climbs in The Lakes. Or why not explore the harder grades of VS and upwards with the rope above you?

Alternatively you may want to look at the art of leading, placing gear and arranging safe belays under the supervision and guidance of a rock climbing instructor.

It’s all very well being able to rock climb and be safe but what if…?

It’s not only the leader who needs to know what to do when problems arise on a rock climb. Learn how to deal with problems that may arise on a climb, from escaping the system to multi-pitch self rescue.

A la Carte
Whatever your personal aims are I can arrange a rock climbing course to suit your needs and aspirations.
Please do not hesitate to contact me and discuss your ideas.


Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek

A 4 week trekking itinerary accompanying Everest expedition members to EBC.


If Everest isn’t really your thing … but you would like to come on a trek in The Everest region then this 4 week itinerary could well be right up your street. This is an specific itinerary for my group of potential Everest summiteers and is very carefully chosen to make sure that they arrive at Base Camp fit, health and acclimatised. So if it is good enough for them it is definitely good enough for you! The days are reasonably short so that maximum enjoyment can be attained whilst making sure that people aren’t over exerting.

Not only that it provides one of the best itineraries in The Khumbu. This schedule takes us away from the really busy routes whilst trekking over some high passes and taking in an easy trekking peak with unparalleled views and vistas all the way.

No previous experience is required … walking is a transferable skill. If you have hiked in The Lakes (or anywhere in the UK for that matter) then you can hike in Nepal. Indeed the trails are better than most mountainous areas in the UK.

Day 1 (Sunday 26th March 2017) – Arrive Kathmandu (KTM). You will be met at the airport and transferred to a 4* Hotel on the outskirts of Thamel. We will then pop in to town for our first group meal (meals in Kathmandu at the start of the trek are included in the cost of the trip).

Day 2 – Sightseeing trip in the morning (transport, guide and all entrance fees are included). Meet for lunch at the fantastic culinary paradise that is Mike’s Breakfast on the outskirts of Thamel. Sort gear / final preparations for the expedition in the afternoon.

Day 3 – Early morning flight to Lukla (2,800m). This is the flight of a lifetime. After our early morning departure we’ll arrive in Lukla and transfer to our lodge for breakfast. After sorting the gear in to loads we start trekking. We follow the easy trail, stopping for lunch along the way (again all meals en route are included in the price) and gradually descend in to the valley bottom. We use teahouse accommodation for the trek in and our first stop is at Phak Ding (2,650m). Around 4 hours of easy trekking.

Ama Dablam-21

Day 4 – After breakfast we start on the trail along the side of the Dudh Kosi (Milk River) which originates from the Khumbu Glacier some 30 miles away. We cross the river 4 times on the route today on some quite exciting (but very well constructed) suspension bridges. We enter the National Park at Monjo and then make our way gradually up the zig zags to Namche Bazaar (3,450m). In Namche Bazaar we convene at the Everest Bakery for Coffee and Chocolate Doughnuts and then continue along the trail to stay with my good friends Tashi and Lakpa at Kyanjuma. All in all about 4 and a half to 6 hours of walking. (Interesting point to note … Tashi & Lakpa are visiting the UK in January for an audience with HRH The Prince of Wales. Lakpa was one of the Sherpas when Prince Charles visited Nepal in the 80s and has been invited for an audience with His Royal Highness at Clarence House. So I’m sure we’ll get to hear all about their trip when we stay with them).

Day 5 – A rest day. But when we say rest day it merely means that we will stay at the same teahouse – in the meantime we will go up an exciting ‘hidden staircase’, an amazing construction, and follow the trail to the Mong La (3,950m) where we will have lunch. We’ll then descend back down to Kyanjuma in time for afternoon tea. At some stage today we’ll also visit Tashi’s amazing prayer room.

Day 6 – Today we transfer to Thame. We go up to Kyanjuma and see the amazing Mani walls (the longest mani walls in The Khumbu) and then crest a col and drop down to Syangboche where we stop for elevenses. We then follow a great trail through a beautiful, wooded valley, to Thamo, where we stop for lunch before continuing to Thame (3,800m). Around 6 to 8 hours of easy walking.

Day 7 – Another rest day. But again, it doesn’t mean that we rest. Today we go to the most amazing monastery, set in the hillside a short walk above Thame. There are some fantastic painted mani stones along the way and we visit the monastery for a puja.


Day 8 – A lovely walk up the quiet Thame valley to the village of Marylung (4,150m). A short day (around 3 hours of walking).

Day 9 – Another acclimatisation day where we trek up to around 5,000m before dropping back down to stay for another night at Marylung.

Day 10 – Another reasonably short day where we trek to Lungde (4,350m).

Day 11 – Today we cross the first of the high passes – The Renjo La. It is an easily accessible pass with a great staircase – but it is at 5,345m and the altitude will make it slow going. The views when you get there are well worth the effort involved. After admiring the scene we drop down to Gokyo (4,750m) for afternoon tea.

Mount Everest seen from the Renjo La
Click the photo to be transported to The Renjo La

Day 12 – A rest day. For those who fancy an early start there is the opportunity to see the sunrise from the summit of Gokyo Ri. Or if you prefer you can go in the late afternoon for the sunset views where you get to experience the alpenglow on Everest. Whichever you choose you’ll need a warm jacket, hat, gloves, headtorch and camera.

Day 13 – We descend the Gokyo valley on the East side – a rarely trodden route. The terrain is spectacular and there are hardly any trekkers who take this trail descending to the quiet village of Phortse.

Day 14 – Another day when we will see very few trekkers. This time we are taking the high level route to Pangboche. Great trekking and awesome views especially as we approach Pangboche and have Ama Dablam in the windscreen.

Day 15 – A pleasant day of trekking initially along the main Khumbu trail but after an hour or so we veer off to Dingboche. Dingboche is an amazing village nestled at the bottom of the Imja valley with great views of Island Peak (Imja Tse) at the head of the valley and Ama Dablam opposite the village.

Day 16 – A rest day. And today, if you so desire, you can actually have a rest day.

Day 17 – We transfer up a side valley to a great grassy campsite next to a huge boulder at Dingogma. This is a great campsite with great views.


Day 18 – Today we gradually gain height to the best campsite in The Khumbu – just below The Kongma La (5,535m). At 5,450m this lakeside campsite has the most amazing views of Ama Dablam, Chamalang, Baruntse, and Makalu (the 5th highest mountain in the world).

Day 19 – An ascent of Pokalde (5,800m) – a non-technical trekking peak. The top is accessed by a short scramble but the remainder is easy trekking although it will feel harder than it is due to the rarefied atmosphere. We spend a second night at The Kongma La camp. This is an optional ascent and you can stay at The Kongma La camp if so desired.

Click to go to the Kongma La

Day 20 – We trek up and over the pass and descend to Lobuche village.

Day 21 – We now follow the main Everest trail to Gorak Shep – the highest village in The Khumbu situated at 5,250m.

Day 22 – There are a variety of options today. Either Kala Pattar for sunrise followed by a visit to Everest Base Camp, or just Kala Pattar, or just Base Camp, or Everest Base Camp followed by Kala Pattar for sunset. Either which way this is the culmination of the 3 weeks’ of trekking and it’s awesome whatever you choose to do.

Click to see an amazing 360 x 180 interactive view for Everest Base Camp.

Day 23 – It’s time to start dropping back down the valley where you’ll be staying at Pangboche (3,850m).

Day 24 – After an hour or so from Pangboche you’ll gain a little bit of height to the village of Tengboche where there is an amazing bakery and monastery. After visiting one, or both, of these you’ll drop down to the valley floor and then up the trail on the other side to Kyanjuma to stay with Tashi and Lakpa again.

Day 25 – An hour or so from Kyanjuma and you’ll be back at Namche bazaar where coffee and cake are calling. Then you’ll descend to Monjo and on to Lukla.

Day 26 – It’s time to return to the hustle and bustle of Kathmandu where the agent will collect and deliver you to the hotel.

Day 27 (April 21st) – Depart KTM.

All in this 4 week trip comes in at only £1,675

This includes all of the following:

  • 3 nights’ hotel accommodation in KTM
  • All group meals in KTM at the beginning of the trip
  • KTM / Lukla / KTM return flight
  • KTM / Lukla / KTM departure tax
  • A mixture of Teahouses and tented accommodation for the duration of the trek
  • All group feeding arrangements in The Khumbu
  • National Park Entrance fee
  • TIMs trekking permit
  • Cook crew
  • Porters
  • Climbing Sherpa(s)
  • Insurance for the crew
  • Administration fee for our expedition agent in Nepal – we use one of the premiere expedition agencies in KTM. They have a proven track record of providing an excellent service, are able to provide full support throughout the expedition and have a tried and tested emergency call out procedure should the need arise
  • My fee for administration and planning prior to the expedition and technical support, guiding, instruction, planning and logistics during the expedition
  • Peak Fee for Pokalde
  • Ropes etc for fixing Pokalde
  • Comprehensive 1st aid kit including antibiotics and medicines for use at altitude
  • Insurance for Base Camp and Sherpa crew
  • Airport transfers in KTM

What is not included in the costs

  • International flight (approx £650 – £950. Please arrange a ticket that is flexible so that you can change the dates if you need to head back ahead of schedule. Alternatively I get a quota of tickets through the Travel Agent I have used for a number of years with a 30kg extra baggage allowance. These tickets will be available directly from the Travel Agent – please contact me for their details)
  • Nepalese entry Visa
  • Inoculation / vaccination costs
  • Travel and medical insurance – MUST be valid for trekking in the Everest region
  • Hire of any equipment for personal use
  • Tips for the staff (£75 / US$120 in to the kitty)
  • Excess baggage charges
  • Drinks with meals in Kathmandu
  • Any drinks and/or food during the trek other than that which is provided by the crew (e.g. soft drinks, snacks, alcohol, etc etc)
  • Any teahouse and feeding costs if rest days are taken other than those in the itinerary
  • Meals in Kathmandu at the end of the trip
  • Spending money
  • Any costs incurred if leaving the expedition early
  • Any international freight charges in the event that your bags don’t arrive in Kathmandu from Lukla due to any delays prior to your departure from Nepal.

Optional Extras

  • Single room in Kathmandu – US$50p.n. supplement (subject to availability)
  • Island Peak side trip. Climb Nepal’s most popular trekking peak. At 6,189m it offers fantastic views over to Makalu, Baruntse and Lhotse. Mainly scrambling with an easy glacier … you need to be competent in using crampons for this peak. Allow an extra 5 days for this trip. £650 supplement.

What Is Next?

  • To secure a booking for The Everest Base Camp Trek 2017 I require a completed application form and a non refundable deposit of 20% of the trip cost per person.
  • I will also require a copy of your trip insurance which MUST be valid for the trip.
  • Lastly I require the final balance to be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the trip.

Please go to the comprehensive kit and equipment list as well as the ‘Health, Hygiene‘ and ‘Altitude‘ pages which will expand on these areas in more detail.

In the meantime ‘Live the dream’

Yours – Tim Mosedale

Island Peak

Island Peak

Professionally Organised by Everest Summiteer Tim Mosedale

Island Peak (or Imja Tse) is an absolutely fabulous peak. At 6,189m it’s over the magical 20,00ft threshhold and is a justifiably popular mountain.

Whilst the best bet is to explore the Khumbu over a 4 week trip, the ascent of Island Peak can easily (and safely) be accomplished in a 3 week itinerary.

Please give me a call and we can discuss dates and availability.

(More info pages coming soon).

If you require a detailed itinerary, equipment list or further information regarding health issues then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

You can e mail on

or telephone 017687 71050 or 07980 521079

Island Peak summit

This is the summit of Island Peak as you have never seen it before. We were a small team (myself, 3 clients and 2 Climbing Sherpas) and there were only 2 others on the mountain that day. To get the summit shots without having any climbers in I pushed ahead on the summit slopes. I was rewarded with perfect conditions (albeit a little bit breezy on the summit) and enough time to take the 450 photos that make up this vista.