My History
Donec vitae lacinia arcu. Nam viverra risus auctor, viverra arcu id, elementum nisi.
Nunc varius lacus a laoreet lobortis. Pellentesque eu pellentesque erat. Morbi eget ex luctus, viverra mi id, placerat dui. Proin scelerisque euismod justo, lacinia scelerisque massa varius id. Phasellus scelerisque augue a massa vehicula, vitae sollicitudin risus porta. Nullam vestibulum vel arcu vel condimentum. Quisque rutrum ligula non arcu vestibulum, in dictum arcu blandit. Fusce scelerisque augue turpis, nec varius enim cursus sit amet. Fusce egestas elit sit amet augue condimentum bibendum. Aenean sit amet sapien enim. tristique ac felis nec, commodo imperdiet felis.
Fusce pretium dapibus justo. Maecenas a ornare elit, id sollicitudin dolor. Fusce ac porttitor dolor. Vivamus congue urna non velit convallis rutrum. Quisque dignissim rutrum eros, non aliquet magna sodales a. Quisque eget mauris sed libero ultricies blandit ut a nulla. Nulla pretium non lacus vitae aliquam. Sed mollis rhoncus pellentesque. Praesent vehicula dui eu ipsum fermentum, euismod suscipit nisl tincidunt.
Curabitur a maximus tortor. Mauris auctor, erat a dapibus placerat, urna purus fermentum libero, ac lacinia nulla sapien et turpis. Etiam a urna quis orci tristique rutrum in sit amet massa. Vestibulum metus neque, ullamcorper eget mi ut, condimentum vulputate odio. Fusce consectetur mauris at massa efficitur faucibus.

Dear Tim, Just a quick note to say thanks again for a cracking couple of days. We both felt you structured it really well - the first day set firm foundations for newbie climbers like us, and then the second day was a revelation to get out onto real rock and see what you'd shown us the previous day fall into place. You had incredible patience on the static line next to us, with just the right balance of hints and instruction where necessary yet allowing us to work things out for ourselves. As a result, the next day we felt confident, nay raring, to go out there and climb on our own. As you know, we went back to Brown Slabs, and as well as the two routes we did with you, we did Brown Slabs Face at V Diff (which felt significantly harder than Brown Slabs Direct, I was extremely glad that I only seconded it!), and the right-hand start to the main gully route up the little slab to the right-hand tree and up into the start of the gully. Didn't do the Arete route, so that's for next time. We're both back in London now, but can't wait to get back onto the rock. Tim bought the Yorkshire Gritstone guidebook, so we'll have a go at all the Diffs and V Diffs we can find in it, and maybe top-rope a few of the 10-15m Severes and VS's. We'd also like to do a longer multipitch Diff or two (like Corvus which you mentioned) -- so plenty for us to experiment with before we're back for the next stage in our education!! All the best,
Paddy (2 day 'learning to lead' course 2005)

Tim - That was great. Absolutely great. What a trip. Thanks
Richard (Ama Dablam 2003)

Hiya Tim, Just a quick note to thank you for the excellent weekend. I enjoyed the logical approach and feel that I picked up loads of info and am looking forward to putting it in to practice. Cheers mate
Karen (Rock climbing in Borrowdale 2004)
Donec vitae lacinia arcu. Nam viverra risus auctor, viverra arcu id, elementum nisi.